Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Children's Rights

I think all children should have the same rights but not all children do. Please help these children.

We have been learning about the children of Kroo Bay. Kroo Bay is a slum community in Africa. The people in Freetown throw their rubbishin the Crocodile River and when it floods it pollutes Kroo Bay. It goes into their houses and they have to move out. Mosquitoes like the dirty water so Kroo Bay can’t get rid of them.

There is not enough medicine to go round. Children die of malaria ever 30 seconds. Sometimes the clinic cannot help them. One child out of four dies before they are five years old.

Save the Children helps poor children in countries all around the world. I want to but some plumpynut for them from the wish list. It’s only ten dollars.

Please tell your family and friends about this so we can save children.

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